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If you have games for your shower, chances are you'll need some great prizes as well. We've compiled an ever-growing list of some of our favorite prize ideas to help make your baby shower a wonderful occasion and memory for your guests.

  1. Candles These can be personalized with baby's or mom-to-be's name and due date for a very cute added touch. Look at our poems page for ideas for poems you can print and attach to the candles!

  2. Gourmet coffee - A coffee lover's delight! The bags can be personalized with the shower, parents-to-be or the new baby's information. All of your caffeine-addicted friends will thank you!

  3. Personalized Candy Bars are a sweet treat. These can be personalized with the baby or the parents'-to-be's information and are an economical idea.

  4. Cinnamon/honey buns- with attached note "from our little bun in the oven". Or a cute cinnamon bun shaped candle could do the trick nicely as well, and last longer too!

  5. Novelty Shaped Cookies are adorable and yummy and you can find them in several great designs such as onesies, animal shapes, flowers and much more.!

  6. Ice cream Scoopers- a very practical and unique favor. Great for a "sweets" themed shower also.

  7. Personalized Mints - personalized mint tins filled with little mints are a sweet and classy way to go. Have fun and fresh breath at the same time!

  8. Bath and body products - A very trendy and practical baby shower gift that your guests will be oohing and ahhing over for weeks to come. Lotions, bath salts, bath petals, body wash, shampoos and more can be added for your guests' enjoyment. Attach a little note that says "From our shower to yours" for extra cuteness.

  9. Sachet Bags - elegant and luxurious choice for any baby shower. Guests will be remembering your shower everytime they catch a whiff of the beautiful lingering scent.

  10. Bookmarks- A nice bookmarker is a cost efficient but thoughtful favor. Include a nice inspirational book along with it for an added touch if you would like.

  11. Seed Packets - this is a very sweet idea, as guests will have lots of beautiful memories of your baby shower in their garden should they choose to plant the seeds. Seed packets can be customized with little sayings or poems for an added special touch. Watch the plants grow along with baby!

  12. Flower/Plant Vases - very elegant, add fresh cut flowers for special touch Also make great table decorations!

  13. Tea bags/Saucers are especially fun for tea party themed showers. Personalize with a placecard and use for seating arrangement.

  14. Picture Frames - can include a photo of the expectant mother/couple, or of the baby if already born

  15. Trinket Boxes

  16. Cookie or Soup Mix

  17. Novelty Soap in cute shapes to match your theme are a huge hit!

  18. Placecard holders

  19. Bags/Boxes of goodies

  20. Coffee mugs - extra nice if combined with coffee listed above!

  21. Potpourri

  22. Fill a baby bottle with candies or other goodies.

  23. Personalized Fortune Cookies

  24. Small Jewelry Boxes

  25. Novelty Shaped Sugar Cubes to add some sweetness to their morning tea/coffee.

  26. Personalized note pads

  27. Hugs and Kisses - fill a baby bottle (or other container) with Hershey's brand chocolate "hugs" and "kisses" with attached note "Hugs and Kisses from baby's name

  28. Handbag Mirrors

  29. Magnets

  30. Gift Certificates - for popular stores, movie theaters/rentals, or lots of fun things

  31. Home baked Goodies - who wouldn't love a little something from the kitchen? I'll take a basket of grandma's cookies over a candle any day!

  32. Baby trees - like above, however guests are given young trees to plant in honor of baby.

  33. Soup mugs - include soup mix or recipe for special touch.

  34. Wine Glasses - can be tied together with colored ribbon or wine bottle included for an extra special touch.


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